Monday, March 16, 2009

Who Is That Guy?


Tony Alva said...

Welcome Headknocker back to the fold!!!

ROADRASH said...

Looks like we won't need a bouncer or security for the gang reunion.
Right on Mike!

smiley said...

I would never have guessed MH! Glad to have you back!

Jackson said...

Hey! Where's my Leathur Records copy of the first Motley Crue record DUDE? You 'borrowed' it back in 83/84 and I never saw it again. Nice looking kids there Mike, I wonder how they'd take the news that their daddy is a vinyl theif? Huh?

Anyway, glad to see you in the's it going?

pampdog said...

I know, right, the guy looks boss, dog. I wouldn't mess with him or his family, that's for sure, or there could be some booty-whoopin' up in the hiz!

Michael!!! Good to hear from you brutha. Seriously, your family is beautiful and we're glad you're back in the loop. No one could represent quite like M.H. with that kick-ass Nova (all Dukes-of-Hazzardish) blaring Hell Bent for Leather, post ganja blaze Marlboro smokin', kicking butt and taking names...that great smile and carefree attitude. One of a kind...

terrydixon said...

Is that Honaker? Wow, he must have eaten his Wheaties! Nice looking family!

terrydixon said...

Is that Honaker? Wow, he must have eaten his Wheaties! Would'nt have recognized him! Beautiful Family!

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