Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Veteran's Day Posting

So I was reading Sons of Slum and Gravy about the Class of 1962 at West Point, and it occurred to me that a lot of my dad's classmates didn't make it back from Vietnam. My dad was pretty seriously injured there, but he fully recovered. It kinda made me think about what would have happened if he hadn't come back. Probably, we would have been raised in Monterey (CA) where my mom grew up. I don't think I would have experienced one thing in the life that I can remember back to. Kind of mind-blowing.

I hope everyone has a good Veteran's Day and takes time out to remember what it's all about. More on Veteran's Day here.


Dad said...


I very much appreciateed your account of our sensational victory back in '76 or '77. The only detail I'd like to correct you on is our opponent: we were playing OLMC A, the great Jack Dobson's quintet. Pete Taylor was sitting next to me on the bench and, as OLMC A's lead evaporated and someone got the ball to you down low, as you caught it, Pete said quietly, "Count it." What a great compliment and what a great night.

How does all that jibberish get posted to your blog? I checked in with Kevin Watkins' JonathonDwyerForHeisman.com and saw the same thing.


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Happy Deepavali 2015

Shayari Sad said...

Hindi Status

Happy New Year Shayari

$ said...

Birthday wishes shayari